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Leveling Up in Decision Making w/ Life-Strategist Dr. Cheryl Marks

Updated: Jun 15, 2021

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. -James 1:5

"Life often demands powerful shifts in our thoughts & mindsets followed up by brave actions!!!!"

Possessing the ability to make a decision is perhaps the most important component of any individual or business activities. It plays the most important role in the planning process, and though this is a major component, many people lack the module of decision making skills, causing them to forfeit in proceeding and achieving overall success; however, my mission today is to help you level up and succeed in decision making!

Decision making is defined as the action or process of making decisions, especially important ones.

As a believer, before making any decision, we have been commissioned, “to acknowledge God in ALL THINGS, trusting in Him that He will give us wisdom, guidance, a great future and hope.

Always remember, “If you are obsessed over whether you are making the right decision ALL THE TIME, chances are you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another; however, I can definitely assure you that isn’t the case. So, get ready to make those decisions and do it with confidence!

Making decisions is a tool that if utilized appropriately, you will be able to learn, earn and have so much more to pass on, even threw the decisions where you may have missed the mark.

Making decisions is expected and unavoidable and will always stare at us, until we answer!

Though making decisions can be daunting and sometimes very intimidating, but when you learn to embrace and trust your instincts, the pressure decompresses and unzips the grip on your mind causing you to welcome the challenge.

Since we live in a society where we are applauded for making good decisions and penalized for making bad ones rather intentionally or unintentionally, this fear has the tendency to hold us back with the quiet conscious that says, “what if I make the wrong decision; but please allow my voice to speak louder today, and say, “what if you make the right or advantageous decision that will launch you into achieving uncommon success!

Therefore, I implore of you to rid yourself of all fears and start embracing your inner confidence, because situations does not dissipate on their own. Eventually, you’re going to have to make a decision, and I want you to do it with assurance.

When it comes to making decisions rather in your home, with your spouse, or a business partner, you must first identify the problem or situation that needs to be addressed. When handling practical matters, learn to be inclusive, treating everyone involved with equivalent consideration.

Since we often perceive and interpret things differently, sometimes it’s ok to ask the ones involved to write out what their viewpoints are and that way you all can gain clarity and simplify the matter more quickly, simply because some individuals can express better in writing than verbal communication. That’s why it’s always a good idea to know the state of the individuals that you are connected to because we all communicate differently.

Also, gathering information pertaining to the decision that has to be made will help you tremendously! It allows you to filter out, cross examine and identify alternative methods.

Before making any decision, always take the time to review your decisions and its consequences. Approach each thought with sincerity and confidence.

At this point, you are more likely to be confronted with all of your past mistakes; but don’t allow this to cripple or hinder you in any way from making another decision. Learn from your past and move forward.

When you need to make a decision, never be afraid to ask for guidance. You would be amazed to find out how many people are more than willing to help you. It’s the nature of man, to help! Just make sure that you are seeking the expert in the matter.

One simple; but powerful thing that most people fail to consider when it comes to making decisions is, “to ask for feedback!”

While you are in the planning & thought process of the matter, consider finding someone who you trust and will speak what you need to hear and not what you desire to hear and ask them for their feedback based on what you are planning on doing!


You are going to do exceptionally well!!!!

Love you much,

Dr. Cheryl Marks

Note: This article written by Life-Strategist, Dr. Cheryl Marks was also featured in MOGUL LEADERS 2021 Spring Edition Magazine!!!

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